Radio Free Earth 26 Dr Del Potter Psychedelic Chemist part 1 of 2

RADIO FREE EARTH - 26 Dr Del Potter psychedelic chemist part 1 of 2 Dr. Del Potter psychedelic wizard and chemist visits the studio and talks novel psychedelics, custom mini-brains, psychedelic outlaw history, and freedom of consciousness.

I had a technical foulup, and so sound is a bit rough, though not terrible on this recording. The content is well worth the listen. Thank you

Dr. Del Potter is a medical anthropologist, an outlaw from the old school who is currently researching new therapeutic compounds from cannabinoids and psychedelics.
Dr. Potter earned his PhD in medical anthropology in 1980 through a joint program of UC Berkeley and UCSF Medical School. His doctoral research specialized in psychiatric anthropology, neuropharmacology and ethnopsychopharmacology. He completed his psychotherapy clinical training at San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute.
Dr. Potter’s postdoctoral ethnographic research in Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador initially investigated “the cross-cultural personality development and psychohistory of the shamanic practitioner,” but later evolved to focus more on the composition and effects of shamanic plant medicine. He stated an intention to “improve cultural understanding of these compounds” and integrate that knowledge with pharmaceutical science.
In addition to the above Dr Potter has led a storied life, growing up in the Bay Area during the 60s and having been immersed in the legendary underground outlaw culture while maintaining a presence in academic and business circles.