Radio Free Earth 19 Sam DeLaPaz veteran cannabis navigator part 2 of 2

RADIO FREE EARTH 19 - Sam DeLaPaz cannabis industry veteran

Sam De La Paz - Sales & Marketing Manager at 421 Group & CoMission - Founder RizeWize & GreenWave Consulting LLC.

- VP Hessel Farmers Grange

- Regional Chair for Sonoma County on Origins Council’s Regional Council

Sam hails from Mendocino County, CA. He often says, “I grew up around Cattle, Construction and Cannabis. I chose the the path that I knew would truly change the world!”

As a long time Cannabis industry expert and lifelong study of Psychology and Philosophy. Sam evolved into an adept Social being. He decided to “Crawl out of the Canopy” and left the hills to serve the sacred plant in ways more suited to his strengths.

Sam found his calling in Business Strategy, Marketing, Innovative Solutions Design, Sales and Cross-Industry Relationship Building.

Becoming increasingly involved in policy-work and advocacy, while making amazing kindred bonds in the space, led Sam to be honored with the appointed roles of: VP of the Hessel Farmers Grange (first Cannabis & Hemp Farmers Grange in the US) - Sonoma County Regional Chair on Origins Council’s Regional Council and liaison of the Legacy Farming community on multiple fronts. He also advised for several non-profits that are focused on environmental and social good.

“Exponential Growth is achieved when we work TOGETHER, for we then double and quadruple our value/s.”

-Sam De La Paz

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