Radio Free Earth 31 Part 1 of 2 Brian Carlisle Founder of the Holy Smokes Healing Center
Brian Carlisle is a self described afflicted advocate and activist who works in Vancouver, B.C., Canada distributing food and cannabis to the homeless as well as to cancer patients using a low cost and no cost model. Brian has been persecuted and prosecuted by the Canadian government for his work with cannabis in Canada. Brian is the founder and leader of the Holy Smokes Spiritual Healing Center in Vancouver.
Rev. Brian Carlisle
I am the Spiritual Leader and President of Holy Smoke Healing Center Society (herein “Holy Smoke Church”) a registered not for profit organization in British Columbia.
Since 1999 I have dedicated my life to follow God's calling upon me, to bring his people to the medical spiritual healing through God's Anointing oil, his Holy Incense Cannabis (Exodus 30:23, Luke 1.) however my main focus has been the most needy and meek.
My calling and mission focuses predominantly on helping other terminal and or chronically ill persons like myself maintain our physical and spiritual healing, a process now known as endocannabinoid homeostasis from cannabis.
February 28 - 30, 2000 I attended the Health Canada medical uses of Cannabis workshop in Ottawa Ontario, a copy of the front page Ottawa Citizen Newspaper article is attached hereto and labelled Exhibit “A” to this my Affidavit.
I formally requested to the Minister of Health Allan Rock and Deputy Minister Cal Bouchard, that Holy Smoke Church be the primary and official patient to patient medical cannabis access /source.( ).
I was first ordained in 1999 as a Reverend with the Universal Life Church.
After many years of service training and education on September 9 2012, I was called and ordained a High Priest with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. A copy of this Priesthood Certificate is attached hereto and labelled Exhibit “B” to this my affidavit.
I have been called to help many severe and chronically disabled and terminally ill persons. Many of whom have passed away such as Wesley Wallace Winchester who as member 007, I assisted for years with his HIV/AIDS related symptoms and medical cannabis access and community discrimnation and criminal persecution /
I also helped Mr. Winchester to win his medical cannabis charter challenge court case R v. Winchester (June 25, 2002), No. 43714, Chilliwack Registry (B.C.S.C.).( ).
Mr Winchester wrote the kindest personal reference letter a copy is attached hereto and labeled Exhibit “C” to this my affidavit.
I helped another very disabled member Chilliwack City Councilor Bernie Cross with his pain and symptoms associated with his enlarged heart condition he also wrote me a personal reference letter a copy of which is attached hereto and labelled Exhibit “D” to this my affidavit.
In addition to my religious and spiritual training I also pursued and completed an undergraduate degree in Criminology at the University of the Fraser Valley with my main focus in cannabis and medical cannabis sciences a copy of which is attached hereto and labelled Exhibit “E” to this my affidavit.
During the course of my Criminology degree wrote many papers gave presentations and co authored several publications on cannabis and medical cannabis including the following:
2003, Cannabis Health Journal edition 6 a copy of which is attached hereto and labeled Exhibit “F” to this my affidavit.
2004, Cannabis Health Journal edition 7, a copy of which is attached hereto and labeled Exhibit “G” to this my affidavit…chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/ ..
The Nature and Extent of Marihuana Growing Operations in the Cariboo Region of British Columbia: A 14 Year Review (1997- 2010)chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/, a copy of which is attached hereto and labeled Exhibit “H” to this my affidavit.
2010, The Marihuana Indoor Production Calculator: A Tool for Estimating Domestic and Export Production Levels and Values , Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice research, , a copy of which is attached hereto and labeled Exhibit “I” to this my affidavit.
My professor and my co publishing author Dr. Darryl Plecas wrote me a personal reference letter regarding my cannabis knowledge, a copy of which is attached hereto and labeled Exhibit “J” to this my affidavit.
I completed the course, Canadian Constitutional Law at University of British Columbia, School of Law Student (#59192054) Publishing the work, “A BRIEF CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW OF CANADA’S CANNABIS LAWS”, .
I completed the course, Medical Malpractice for lawyers and Health law with the BC Continuing Legal Education program.
At present I am enrolled in the Masters of Arts Program at University of Athabasca.
2003, (Jan.): Supreme Court Judge Linda Loo ordered RCMP police to return my 51 marijuana plants and all other items seized in a raid in Hope in July 2001. She further ordered the secondary monetary part of Carlisle’s damages for $90,000 (Carlisle V. HMTQ..2003 BCSC 632 (CanLII), <> a copy of which is attached hereto and labeled Exhibit “J” to this my affidavit.
From 2002 - Present Holy Smoke Church opened numerous locations and providing life saving medical cannabis patient to patient services;
Chilliwack BC (1) June 2002 - September 2004,
Abbotsford BC June 2016 - January 2019,
Aldergrove BC (1) June 2016 - January 2017,
Aldergrove BC (2) January 2017- January 2019,
Vancouver BC (1) June 2016 - August 2016,
Chilliwack BC (2) July 2016 - November 2017
Vancouver BC (2) June 2019 - Present.
The Holy Smoke Church is a group and class not for profit organization duly registered in the province of British Columbia following “cannatheism” faith belief the has a nexus with the Church of Holy Smoke, whose ministry of Spiritual medicinal use of cannabis was founded In British Columbia in 2001.
The cannatheistic moral - association theory and or the “mission -operation theory. Is the sincere belief in the spiritually healing effect of patient to patient possession, sharing and consuming medical cannabis and its derivatives.
Holy Smoke Church members only locations have a strict medicinal spiritual admissions requirement.
Holy Smoke Church constitution and bylaws follow a particular and comprehensive system of faith and worship including but not limited to;
addressing ultimate ideas…about life, purpose, and death;
containing metaphysical beliefs which transcend the physical and apparent world;
containing a moral and ethical system including helping to combat the current Opioid addiction crisis.
Is comprehensive, providing a telos, an overarching array of beliefs that coalesce to provide the believer with answers to many, if not most, of the problems and concerns that confront humans..Including the Christian Golden Rule,
The Zoroastrian tenet, Good thought, good words, good deeds,
The Prophet Zoroaster wrote nothing down and neither did his early disciples. Tradition holds that his words were memorized, repeated in rituals, and passed down orally for generations until they finally found written form.
How the religion spread after Vishtaspa is unknown, but it was widespread by the time of the Achaemenid Empire (c. 550-330 BCE) whose ruling class were Zoroastrians. Zoroaster is said to have continued preaching his faith until he died, around the age of 77, either of old age or, according to later works from the Sassanian Period, assassinated by a priest of the old religion.
Holy Smoke Church also Refer to important writings such as Book of Genesis, Exodus,Luke, Psalms, Revelations, teachings of Zarathustra.
Holy Smoke Church Have keepers of the religion’s knowledge such as clergy
Prescribe daily rituals at 4:20 PM and other ceremonies;
Have a sacred annual holiday on April 20,
Prescribe diet or fasting for its Clergy and enlightened members
Promote the propagation of their beliefs.
The Holy Smoke Church group and class are all disabled members of the organization who consume and share medical cannabis and utilize other alternative treatments for their personal health needs.